The History
The love for this land, the bound with our family’s origins, takes Otello Fabiani and his Sons, Carlo and Luigi, when in 1975 acquires the Farm House in the prestigious wine area of Bolgheri, at the beginning of an era of one of the most important land for wine produciton.
Cipriana is the third Wine House born in this land, and the first bottle of his most famous wine, named “San Martino”, in honor of Giosuè Carducci, was created in 1978.

The Farmhouse
In the beggining four hectares of vineyard placed in Località Campastrello were acquired, where cellar is based. In the following years other four hectares on the Bolgherese’ path were bought and recently six hectares more were added for fourteen hectares totals.
The farm owns also two hectares of olive groves distibuited in the various plots.